Membership Type: Ordinary Member

About Member

Kurata Industries, as a distributor for Ebara Corporation, primarily engages in water infrastructure related business, particularly the sales and installation of pump systems and facilities. In 2022, Kurata Industries celebrated its 100th year anniversary as a company, and in order to see the company through the next 100 years has a long-term vision of developing diversified business operations in innovative ventures. Since 2020, we have been importing and selling specialized and niche products from all over the world, aiming to prevent and protect from flooding, utilizing technologies and ideas that have not yet been introduced to Japan. As of March 2023, Kurata Industries became Japan’s sole sales representative for Italian flood barrier manufacturer Acquastop SRL, and we are continuing sales and marketing to broaden the distribution of their high-quality products. We believe that disaster prevention and reduction of flood damage not only enhances resilience, but also improves the daily life, economy, and overall well-being of local communities, which serves our business goal of creating a resilient and water-secure future.

Contact Information

Contact informations are only available to the Italian Chamber of Commerce Members

Member Information

Name: KURATA INDUSTRIES (蔵田工業株式会社)

Company Industry: Import and Export

Company Nationality: Japan

Membership Type: Ordinary Member

Website: https://kurata-kougyou.co.jp/