De Nora Permelec Ltd

Membership Type: Ordinary Member

About Member

DSE® electrode is insoluble electrode consisting of a metal base which is covered with oxides consisting mainly of platinum group metals. It has long life and excellent electrolytic performance, enabling it to realize a significant saving of energy. Also, it has a lightweight and stable construction, enabling it to be handled easily. In addition, the dimensions of the electrode remain unchanged, enabling the electrode to be used in the design of high-precision equipment. Another of this electrode’s many features is the ability of the metal base to be used repeatedly. In 1969, we commenced business as a specialist manufacturer of DSE® electrode. Currently, we are a comprehensive manufacture of electrodes, and have a development and production system which can cope with the increasing scope of applications and also the diversification of needs

Contact Information

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Member Information

Name: De Nora Permelec Ltd

Company Industry: Machinery

Membership Type: Ordinary Member
