"Cinta Senese" in the artsFrom: 18/05/2021 3:00 PMto: 18/05/2021 4:00 AMVenue: ZOOM Online Webinar / Facebook Live (@ICCJ.Tokyo)
"Cinta Senese", also known as the phantom black pig of the Siena area, Tuscany, is characterized by a white band on its black skin.
This Cinta Senese is very famous for its rarity and deep taste. In fact, it has been portrayed by artists throughout history, especially during the Renaissance. However, where did Cinta Senese come from?
In this seminar, we will thoroughly explain this characteristic pig from the perspective of art history! Registration is free! Don't miss it!
15:00 Opening remarks
15:10 The black pig "Cinta Senese" in the art
15:40 Cinta Senese, a charming taste
15:50 Q & A
16:00 End
ICCJ member / AQI restaurant: Free of charge
ICCJ non-members: Free (only available on Facebook)
Piergiacomo Petrioli. Art History Professor from Siena
ODK's fruit purees, cocktail syrup, sour and much more... Tasting and online B2B meeting with the producerFrom: 07/04/2021 3:00 PMto: 31/05/2021 6:00 PMVenue: Online Meeting
ICCJ is organizing online B2B meetings with ODK (ORSA DRINKS s.r.l.), to introduce to the Japanese market their original fruit purees, syrups, creams, and powders, sour, and much more.
ODK was started in Italy in 1992 as a family business, originally the product range was limited to powdered drinks such as hot chocolates and frappes. After looking to the United States and observing how the cocktail scene was booming over there in the 1990s ODK decided to diversify into the cocktail market.
During the years ODK developed the first cocktail mixers, such as the sweet and sour mix powder, and then their first range of cocktail fruit purees. Starting with only a limited range of fruits, in 2000 ODK soon expanded the range to encompass many different fruits and flavours following an ever-increasing demand from bartenders. Eventually ODK were able to dominate the cocktail puree and powder market in Italy by 2005 although they didn’t stop there…
Starting from a small powdered drinks business in Italy, ODK now exports to over 50 countries in the world with 58% of turnover now down to export alone.
Target: Food importers in Japan
For further details and registration please visit our Japanese page.
Webinar 'Restaurant at home'From: 21/04/2021 3:30 PMto: 21/04/2021 5:00 PMVenue: ZOOM Online Webinar
The current pandemic has considerably afflicted the restaurant industry.
Apart from takeaway, how can restaurants offer new proposals to consumers who do not walk in? How to take advantage of consumers' desire to eat at home like if they were in a restaurant?
This masterclass will talk about tailor-made meal boxes and bento boxes, with attention to the technical and aesthetic features that allow you to achieve semi-professional presentation and freshness while maintaining ease and speed of preparation.
In collaboration with Mr. Masakatsu Ikeda, Director Photojournalist of ‘Saporita’ and author of several books on Italian cuisine, ICCJ presents opportunities for restaurants and importers.
The session will be limited to selected operators, who will receive a sample of a successful case at home.
Format: Online zoom webinar
Date: April 21st, 2021
Time: 3:30 pm
Target: Restaurants, food importers, and media
Language: Japanese
True Italian Taste is an initiative promoted and funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation as part of the government campaign “The Extraordinary Italian Taste”, coordinated by Assocamerestero, the association that brings together the 81 Italian Chambers of Commerce in world.
Japan Olive Oil Prize 2021 – Online Award CeremonyFrom: 11/05/2021 5:00 PMto: 11/05/2021 6:00 PMVenue: ZOOM Online Webinar and Facebook Live
The Japan Olive Oil Committee is pleased to invite you to the 9th Award Ceremony of the Japan Olive Oil Prize on May 11th, 2021. The Ceremony will be held ONLINE on ZOOM and Facebook.
We will announce the winners of the quality prizes (PGI, PDO, Organic, Monovarietal, Blend, and Aromatic prizes) and the JOOP Design Award among more than 430 entries.
The ceremony will feature live interventions by:
– Panel Leaders Kostas Liris, Antonio Giuseppe Lauro, Michiyo Yamada for the qualitative award, and other panellists
– Architect and designer Fabio Novembre, President of the Design Award Panel
– Institutional Representatives
Date: May 11, 2021
Time: 17:00 – 18:00 (10:00-11:00 GMT+2)
Where: ZOOM and Facebook
We are looking forward to seeing you all online.
Hire: Tokyo Global Corporate - Relationship Manager
Location: Tokyo, JP
Company: Intesa Sanpaolo Group
Intesa Sanpaolo is the banking group leader in Italy. Assisting more than 14,6 million of retail customers through a network of 5360 branches, it significantly supports the development of Companies and gives an important sustain to the country's growth. The Group has a selected retail banking presence in Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa, with approximately 1,000 branches and 7.2 million customers in 12 countries. Intesa Sanpaolo is also present in 25 countries in support of its corporate customers’ cross-border business. It is looking for new qualified profiles who want to face demanding and challenging career path with the following requirements:
Scope and Purpose
- Promote the offer of commercial banking products and services to all clients in his/her portfolio
- Ensure profitability, commercial, and risk objectives are achieved for his/her portfolio of clients
- Originate, Develop and Manage client relations, promoting the cross-selling of the bank's products in coordination with product desks
- Coordinate with other commercial structures of the Bank the definition and execution of the commercial strategy on the customer portfolio
Required Experience
Minimum 5 years experience in Corporate banking
Required Qualifications, Skills and Knowledge
- University degree and/or post-graduate degree in Finance/Economics or equivalent
- Fluent in Japanese and English, Italian knowledge would benefit
- Access to a proprietary network of Japanese International Corporate's clients (senior and top management)
- Working knowledge in the Bank's products and services.
- Understanding of credit risk analysis.
- Understanding of AML and Compliance rules and requirements
- Understanding of Markets Dynamics and Clients needs
- Computer literacy
- Customers and details oriented
- Proactive, flexible & adaptable
- Organized and able to meet deadlines
- Good communication
Everyone is an asset for our Group and that person could be you! Check out our job opportunities, apply and join our team!
IG Live ‘Let’s go to Turin!’From: 26/03/2021 6:00 PMto: 26/03/2021 6:30 PMVenue: ICCJ Instagram page @iccjtokyo
The third 'Andiamo!' Instagram live between ICCJ Secretary-General Davide Fantoni and Shiori Fujiwara will be held on March 26th from 6:00 pm! We will welcome the contemporary artist Shinya Sakurai as a special guest and ask him to guide us through the wonders of his Turin! Don’t miss it!
Date: March 26th, 2021
Time: 6:00-6:30 pm
Format: Instagram Live
Account: @iccjtokyo
BUY WINE TOSCANA - Digital EditionFrom: 24/05/2021 10:00 AMto: 28/05/2021 7:00 PMVenue: Online
BuyWine is the largest commercial b2b event for the wine sector in Tuscany.
150 selected Tuscan wine makers will meet 120 international buyers. A pre-scheduled agenda is prepared matching preferences of both sellers and buyers.
‘Andiamo! to Modena’ IG LiveFrom: 05/03/2021 6:00 PMto: 05/03/2021 6:30 PMVenue: ICCJ Instagram page @iccjtokyo
The second Instagram live between ICCJ Secretary General Davide Fantoni and Shiori Fujiwara will be held on March 5th from 6:00 pm! This time we will visit Modena, the birthplace of world-renowned IGP balsamic vinegar! Don’t miss it!
Date: March 5th, 2021
Time: 6:00-6:30 pm
Format: Instagram Live
Account: @iccjtokyo
~ How to utilize the EPA ~ Practical business webinar with a Q & A format
Two years have passed since the Japan-EU EPA came into effect in February 2019. On February 1, 2021, the number of food and drink products protected by geographical indications (GIs) – a distinctive sign used to identify a product whose quality, reputation or other such characteristics relate to its geographical origin – was expanded, and a part of the procedures for exporting vehicles was simplified.
Japan and the EU have updated some aspects of the EPA and its procedures to make it easier for companies to use it.
On the other hand, for the past two years, some Japanese companies have faced practical challenges, such as certificates of origin (self-certification) not always being recognised by the national customs service in the EU, even though they were using the EPA scheme when exporting to the EU.
To solve those issues, focusing on exports from Japan to the EU, Tokyo Kyodo Accounting Office (TKAO), which has an EPA consultation desk commissioned by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) on the Japanese side and the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Taxation and the Customs Union (DG TAXUD) which is the authority managing, defending and developing the EU’s customs strategy, customs procedures and customs controls, will explain how to make good use of the EPA scheme in a Q & A format based on the experience of, and examples from, the past two years.
- Date and time
Thursday, March 4, 2021 17:00-18:45 Japan time (09:00-10:45 in Belgium)
- Languages
Japanese & English (simultaneous interpretation)
- Program
- Presentation 17: 00-17: 40
Mr. Makoto Goto, EPA consultation desk counselor
Tokyo Kyodo Accounting Office (EPA consultation desk commissioned by METI)
- Presentation 17: 40-18: 20
Mr. Albert Hendriks, Team Leader - Preferential origin - Coordination and negotiation
DG TAXUD, European Commission
- Q & A session 18: 20-18: 45
- Participation fee
- Registration
This webinar will be conducted through Zoom. Please book your place via this Zoom link: ZOOM
- Please ensure that you have downloaded the Zoom app to your PC / tablet / smartphone before viewing this webinar as you will not be able to listen to the interpretation if you connect through your browser.
- Asking questions and access to event material.
1) You can either submit your questions in advance, when registering for the event, or during the event, using the chat function in your smartphone or PC Zoom app. Please note that for various reasons (e.g., lack of time) we may not be able to get answers to every question.
2) Please apply for the lecture materials when you fill out the evaluation questionnaire after the event.
- Organizer:
EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation (Head Office in Japan and Office in Europe)
- Inquiries
EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation / Mr. Sasaki
Email: ko.sasaki@eu-japan.or.jp
Overview of dismissal procedure in Italy
The economical crisis brought by Covid-19 is putting big attention on the topic of employee dismissal.
Generally speaking, foreign investors consider that the Italian regulation is not favorable to the company’s side when it’s time to deal with the dismissal of employees.
However, the situation has changed positively from 2012 with the first important reform (so-called Riforma Fornero) and it is further improved in 2014 with the entrance in force of the so-called Job Act.
With this article, we would like to give an overview of the main aspects related to the dismissal cases due to justified objective reasons (not related to employee behavior), such as possible consequences after the Covid-19 crisis.
1. Overview
The Italian Law grants the possibility to the companies to dismiss employees for justified objective reason (giustificato motivo oggettivo in Italian, so called g.mo.), both for individual and for collective cases.
First of all let's see what is the meaning of justified objective reason: the legal basis is contained in article 3 of Law 604 of 1966 and it states that dismissal can occur for reasons inherent to the business activity, work organization, and its regular functioning.
The most important cases of justified objective reason are:
A) Crisis of the company due to economic situation The company must be able to demonstrate the actual existence of the crisis. For example, a reduction of the income and a reduction of the purchase orders, if it can be demonstrated through documents, are suitable reasons for “g.m.o” dismissing. The consequence of the crisis must be the need for the company to cancel the position that the worker has.
B) The termination of the activity (company closure)
This hypothesis is considered one of the situations in which the dismissal for justified objective reason is legitimate and it has always been confirmed by the Italian Supreme Court (Corte di Cassazione, the highest judicial body in Italy).
In case of company closure, the employer has in fact no choice but to dismiss all workers.
C) Loss of the tasks to which the worker is assigned
The dismissal due to an organizational rearrangement that involves a redistribution of the employee's tasks is considered legitimate. The employer can dismiss for a reorganization that increases the efficiency and productivity of the company, even if the company is not in crisis, as long as the redistribution of the tasks is the cause of the dismissal.
Important: duty to consider the so-called “repêchage” (this is a French word that we use in Italian labor law).
This term refers to the obligation of the employer to check, before dismissing, whether the worker can be used to perform different tasks at the same level or even at a lower level of his actual tasks. It is essential to make this analysis.
In fact, in the event of a lawsuit, the judge always checks whether the employer has made this attempt.
If the employer can prove that the worker could not be used in a different position, the dismissal will be legitimate.
So, repêchage is a fundamental element to see if the dismissal is fully legitimate or not.
In conclusion, we can generally summarize that dismissal for a justified objective reason, to be fully legitimate, must fall within the cases A, B, C listed above, and pass the verification of the repêchage duty.
2. General procedure
We have to examine two cases: (1) Individual dismissal
(2) Collective dismissal
(1) Individual dismissal
It occurs in all the cases where the collective procedure does not apply, therefore when less than 5 workers are dismissed within 120 days.
How the dismissal is communicated to the employee?
- Company must send to the local labor authority of the place where the employee works a communication containing the intention to proceed with the dismissal and its reasons. Then, a meeting with the company and the employee will be done to try to find an agreement on the dismissal.
- The procedure can be concluded with an agreement between the parties that avoid the termination of the employment relationship or which provides for a consensual termination.
- If an agreement is not reached, the employer can then proceed with the written communication of the dismissal.
(2) Collective dismissal
It occurs when the company that has more than 15 employees intends to dismiss 5 or more workers within 120 days, as a consequence of reduction or transformation of the activity or when it intends to close the activity.
The number of five employees to be dismissed can be the first intention of the company, then it can dismiss fewer people but it must follow in any case the collective procedure.
The collective procedure involves the participation of the union. The union will see if the reasons provided by the company are legally valid.
This procedure is more complicated than individual dismissal but it could be the best option if a company wants strongly to reduce the number of employees or even close the activity.
In this way, the company faces a unique procedure to dismiss a high number of employees at the same time.
It is very important to check the following requirements to decide the employees to dismiss:
- Family situation: easier to dismiss a person without a family than who has family
- Seniority: easier to dismiss a younger worker
- Business needs: it is important to pay attention to these criteria. The company must be able to demonstrate that a certain position is no longer useful due to the crisis and subsequent reorganization.
These criteria must apply to all workers in the company. Not just those from a specific department.
Dismissal is a delicate theme and each case has specific procedures according to the dismissal nature. Thus, in case the company has to face this issue we highly recommend consulting suitable professionals to make appropriate steps.